Can CBD Help Couples With Fertility Issues?

by | Jun 11, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Sadly, couples facing infertility problems are fairly common; the Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that at least 10% of the female population, ages 15-44, has difficulty getting or staying pregnant. This means that more than 6.1 million women face fertility issues. Unfortunately, though, women are not the only ones who experience infertility problems; this is a problem that affects both men and women equally.

If you, or someone you know is experiencing infertility problems, don’t despair, we have good news; there are presently a good number of alternative therapies that are helping couples with infertility problems; among the most popular alternative therapies is utilizing high-quality CBD products, this versatile cannabinoid has shown great promise. There is mounting scientific evidence that high-quality natural health products that contain CBD have a profound effect on fertility.

Researchers from Bochum and Bonn have detected a highly sensitive cannabinoid receptor in spermatozoa, which function is vital for fertilization.  This is a portion of Ruhr-University Bochum press release on the outcome of their research:

” During fertilization, a sperm must first fuse with the plasma membrane and then penetrate the female egg in order to penetrate it. To this end, sperm cells go through a process known as the acrosome reaction which is the reaction that occurs in the acrosome of the sperm as it approaches the egg. In the lab, this so-called acrosome reaction is considered a test for analyzing the ability of semen to accomplish fertilization.

A receptor for an endogenous cannabinoid plays a crucial role in this process. A team of biologists from Bochum and Bonn, headed by Doctor Hanns Hatt, have been the first one to provide proof of the so-called G protein-coupled receptors 18 (GPR18) in spermatozoa, following a comprehensive analysis. They published their findings in Scientific Reports.”

CBD affects men and women in different ways. For women, CBD can be beneficial in helping them get pregnant and stay pregnancy. Promising research has shown that CBD can help women conceive. While studies have also shown that THC can negatively affect implantation, ovulation, and even be linked to miscarriages, CBD has shown the opposite effects; in fact, CBD has also the ability to mitigate the effects of THC. People are also using high-quality CBD products to stay calm during pregnancy and lower their stress & anxiety levels.

Although we don’t understand a lot about the complex endocannabinoid system (ECS), researchers have linked it to a number of important processes in the body, including pain, immune system responses, sleep and the reproductive system. ECS receptors allow compounds like CBD to interact with the body in positive ways, like alleviate pain, inflammation, seizures and stress.

Endocannabinoid receptors have been found in sperm and the female reproductive tract, for this reason it is thought that they can improve the sperm’s ability to fertilize an egg, boost ovarian function and follicle maturation, in other words, fast-acting CBD products can be a natural way to boost fertility with minimal negative side effects

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of two main cannabinoids found in hemp and cannabis plants; the This cannabinoid work to help maintain and motivate the body’s regulatory system called the endocannabinoid system, or ECS. This system is made of a multitude of receptors located throughout the body. CBD primarily work with two receptors, CB1 and CB2, though they interact with many others. These receptors either can be activated by the body’s naturally occurring cannabinoids, or by cannabinoids such as CBD THC CBG and others. However, while THC actually binds to these receptors to activate them, CBD simply stimulates the body’s naturally occurring cannabinoids to activate the receptors, causing them to do more of what they normally do. Because CBD does not directly bind to these receptors, it does not produce any psychological effects or unwanted secondary effects.

There are many other non-medical alternative options that could be helpful, like acupuncture, massage therapy, yoga, meditation, which will all pair well with a high-quality fast-acting certified organic CBD product.

It is also worth considering while undergoing these treatments to work through grief, anxiety, worry, and other emotions that may be experienced as a result of fertility issues counselors and therapists, especially in the event that treatments have failed in the past. By taking a holistic approach to any problem we feel you can begin to feel better and could be the besrt course of action in most situations.

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Miguel Estrada

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