What Is The Entourage Effect?

by | Jun 1, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Hemp is a complex plant with roughly 420 chemical entities; this is the reason why the date 4/20, or the time 4:20, is celebrated globally.  More than 60 of these entities are cannabinoid compounds; some of these compounds are well known for their therapeutic benefits & are helping people worldwide living with a variety of health issues. The two most popular cannabinoids are CBD and THC.  CBD, unlike THC, is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid; using CBD will not give you a psychoactive high, which means that it\’s a natural product with little to no unwanted side effects.

Many cannabinoids naturally exist in the human body. Cannabinoids are any chemical compound that directly impacts the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a network of neurotransmitters. This system helps regulate many bodily functions, including appetite, sleep, cognition and mood; it is intimately tied to the nervous and immune systems. Certain cannabinoids target specific types of receptors located on the surface of cells in different areas of the body. There are currently two known types of cannabinoid receptors in the body, CB1 and CB2.

CBD works with the massive network of receptors in our body and supports many of the body’s physical processes. CBD can help the body achieve balance, also known as homeostasis.

Researchers have also identified at least 100 terpenes in cannabis; and each has their own unique therapeutic benefits. Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in many plants; they are the essential oils of the cannabis plant and the cause of aromas and taste


So, The Question Remains, What Is Entourage Effect?

According to the Cambridge Dictionary the word entourage is used to describe “the group of people who travel with and work for an important or famous person”; not unlike this kind of entourage, our famous compound known as CBD, It\’s the essential component that is accompanied by an entourage of helpful cannabinoids, better known as terpenes, flavonoids, and phytochemicals, which provide a wide range of effects in our bodies & are even being used to help people through many different natural health treatments and therapies. It\’s widely believed that the interaction or cooperation of CBD products that contain the plants natural terpenes or infused with terpenes and their other minor cannabinoids can enhances the benefits of the plant’s individual components; this action is referred to as the “entourage effect”. Therefore, the CBD Entourage Effect occurs when all of these compounds interact together to enhance the efficacy and benefits of one another; each one of them, individually, has the capability to enhance the natural properties of the other.

The theory proposes that CBD is more effective when it is ingested with other cannabinoids at the same time; standard CBD oil is in an isolated form with no other cannabinoids attached. Using the whole hemp plant, in other words using full-spectrum CBD products that contain all of the naturally occurring cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, along with trace amounts of THC are important to feel the full benefits of the entourage effect.

Full-Spectrum CBD can help to maximize the effects of the cannabis plant as it enters your body. If you are an experienced user of CBD isolate and want to start exploring more cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, you might want to give full-spectrum CBD oil a try to experience for yourself the entourage effect.

If you are new to CBD, full spectrum CBD could be overpowering. CBD in an isolated form can serve as the perfect introduction to the chemical compound with subtle effects, which might be easier to monitor.

Most of the research that has focused on the health effects of individual terpenes has shown. For example, linalool, a terpene found in lavender, provides anti-anxiety effects. however, research is ongoing on terpenes.

The public itself in conjunction with mounting scientific research has found CBD to be highly beneficial to treat a variety of health problems, whether it is relief from an underlying health condition, or for its calming and soothing effects. CBD is a natural alternative to prescription medications. People throughout the world have found that high-quality CBD products have helped them with pain management relief, as well as relief from many other health problems such as stress and anxiety, mood balancing, sleep disorders, chemotherapy side effects, and much more.

To buy high-quality fast-acting CBD products in Bundle Save Deals go to  www.solverraholistics.com/product-category/bundle-and-save-solverra/

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Miguel Estrada

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