Hemp and the immune system: 4 ways hemp oil provides a virus-season boost

Hemp and the Immune System: 4 Ways Hemp Oil Provides a Virus-Season Boost

In the realm of natural remedies, hemp oil stands out as a powerful player, especially when it comes to fortifying your immune system. As virus seasons approach, maintaining a robust immune response is paramount. In this article, we’ll explore the remarkable ways in which Hemp Oil for Immune Support, offers a shield against seasonal viruses. Whether you’re already incorporating hemp oil into your routine or considering it, understanding these immune-boosting benefits will reaffirm your choice for a healthier lifestyle.

1. Rich in Essential Nutrients

Hemp oil is a nutritional powerhouse, packed with essential nutrients that play a vital role in supporting your immune system. It is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. These fatty acids help regulate the immune response, ensuring it is balanced and effective. Additionally, hemp oil contains amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that contribute to overall immune health.

When your body receives the right nutrients, your immune system functions optimally, making it easier to fend off viruses and infections. Including hemp oil in your diet provides a natural and holistic approach to fortifying your immune system against seasonal threats.

2. Enhances Endocannabinoid System (ECS) Function

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a complex cell-signaling system that plays a crucial role in regulating various physiological processes, including immune function. Hemp oil interacts with the ECS due to its high content of cannabinoids, primarily cannabidiol (CBD). CBD acts on cannabinoid receptors within the ECS, modulating its activity and promoting balance in the body.

A balanced ECS is essential for a strong immune response. Hemp oil, by enhancing ECS function, ensures that your immune system is finely tuned and ready to tackle any challenges that come its way, making you less susceptible to seasonal viruses.

3. Powerful Antioxidant Properties

Hemp oil is renowned for its potent antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are molecules that neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. Free radicals, when left unchecked, can damage cells and weaken the immune system, making it easier for viruses to invade.

The antioxidants in hemp oil help combat oxidative stress, protecting your immune cells from damage and ensuring they remain robust and active. By incorporating hemp oil into your routine, you provide your body with the tools it needs to maintain a strong defense against seasonal threats.

4. Reduces Stress and Promotes Relaxation

Chronic stress weakens the immune system, making the body more susceptible to infections. Hemp oil has been recognized for its potential to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Its natural calming effects can help alleviate anxiety, allowing your body and immune system to function optimally.

When stress levels are reduced, your immune cells can operate more efficiently, ensuring a swift and effective response against viruses. By incorporating hemp oil into your wellness routine, you create a harmonious environment within your body, bolstering your immunity during virus seasons.

Incorporating Hemp Oil into Your Routine

Now that you understand the immune-boosting benefits of hemp oil, you might be wondering how to incorporate it into your daily routine effectively. Here are a few practical suggestions:

  1. Dietary Supplementation: Consider adding hemp oil supplements to your daily diet. These supplements provide a concentrated dose of essential nutrients and cannabinoids, supporting your immune system from within.

  2. Topical Applications: Hemp-infused balms and lotions can be applied to specific areas, promoting localized immune support. These products are particularly useful for targeting skin-related issues during virus seasons.

  3. Incorporate It Into Recipes: Hemp oil is versatile and can be used in various recipes. From smoothies and salads to dressings and desserts, adding hemp oil enhances both the flavor and nutritional value of your meals.

  4. Relaxation and Stress Relief: Use hemp oil-infused products, such as aromatherapy oils or bath bombs, to promote relaxation. By reducing stress, you indirectly support your immune system.

In conclusion, hemp oil offers a natural and holistic approach to fortifying your immune system during virus seasons. Its rich nutrient profile, interaction with the ECS, antioxidant properties, and stress-reducing effects make it a valuable ally in your wellness journey.

Empower your immune system with the benefits of Hemp Oil for Immune Support and embrace the upcoming virus seasons with confidence. Remember, a healthy lifestyle, balanced nutrition, and natural remedies like hemp oil are essential pillars of robust immunity.

For Hemp and the immune system, this article covers four ways in which hemp oil may support immune health

The endocannabinoid system is known to play an important role in regulating immunity and scientists consider it to be one of the “gatekeepers” of the immune system.1 The endocannabinoid system includes receptors known as cannabinoid receptors 1 and 2 (CB1 and CB2) as well as the endogenous cannabinoids anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) and enzymes that influence the production of these endocannabinoids.

There’s scientific evidence that cells of the immune system express both CB1 and CB2, although CB2 concentrations are higher than CB1.2

How Hemp and the immune system interact

Hemp, a non-psychoactive component, may have the ability to maintain a balanced and healthy immune system.*

Transient receptor potential vanilloid 2 (TRPV2), a protein that facilitates the communication of cells with their extracellular environment, plays an important role in healthy immune system function.3 Hemp activates TRPV2 and also influences other transient receptor potential (TRP) channels involved in supporting immunity.3*

Hemp-based oil may have both direct and indirect mechanisms for maintaining immunity.* This article covers four ways in which pairing hemp and the immune system may support immune health.

Increasing natural killer cells*

In animal studies investigating autoimmune health, hemp oil from hemp has been shown to balance the immune system by reducing the activity of T cells, B cells, and both T helper and T cytotoxic lymphocyte subsets.4* However, outside of an autoimmune arena, hemp supports the activity of natural killer (NK) cells, a type of white blood cell.4*

NK cells are a major player in the body’s response to the presence of viruses.* Hemp also supports the activity of natural killer T cells, which share the properties of both NK cells and T cells.* In vitro studies have shown Hemp has actions of interest to people who want to maintain immune health in the liver.5*

Supporting a healthy inflammatory response*

Hemp is well known for its ability to maintain a healthy inflammatory response.* In animals, Hemp supports a healthy inflammatory response in the lungs.6* It also improves lung function in mice exposed to a lung irritant.*

In one study, Hemp enhanced markers of healthy lungs such as decreased total lung resistance and elastance, leukocyte migration into the lungs, myeloperoxidase activity in the lung tissue, and protein concentration as well as maintenance of healthy levels of cytokines (TNF and IL-6) and chemokines (MCP-1 and MIP-2).* This could potentially assist with respiratory function.*

Maintaining a healthy gut microbiota*

A large proportion of the immune system is located in the GI tract, where there are large numbers of organized lymphoid tissue and scattered innate and adaptive effector cells.7

The gut microbiota, the collection of organisms — good and bad — found in the intestines play an important role in helping the body have a balanced immune response.8

Excessive inflammation in the gut can lead to intestinal permeability, gut microbiota dysbiosis, and an impaired intestinal immune response.9,10 One way the body counteracts this is through the endocannabinoid system. 9,10  

Hemp also has been found to support a healthy intestinal inflammatory response in human trials.11* The key message here is that keeping the gut healthy supports overall immunity.*

A calming effect during everyday mild stress and frustration*

Ongoing psychological stress is linked to a decline in immunity.12 Hemp is involved in a healthy stress response.*

Unlike endogenous cannabinoids, which work on the CB1 receptor, Hemo supplementation leads to direct activation of the 5-HT1A serotonin receptor.*13,14 Hemp stress-relieving properties are also related to its ability to modulate cerebral blood flow in brain regions involved in anxiety including the amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus, and cingulate cortex.15*

In human trials, hemp was found to reduce mild stress in people giving a speech.* For example, researchers observed the effects of different doses of hemp and placebo in 57 healthy male participants performing a simulated public speaking test.16* In this double-blind study, subjects were given oral hemp at doses of 150 mg, 300 mg, or 600 mg or a placebo prior to the public speaking test. Compared with the placebo, 300 mg of hemp led to the subjects being more calm and relaxed during the speech.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

CHRIS D. MELETIS, ND, is an educator, international author, and lecturer. His mission is “Changing World’s Health, One Person at a Time.” He believes that when people become educated about their bodies is the moment positive change begins. He is widely recognized as a world-renowned expert on the science of hemp and has authored 16 books and over 200 national scientific articles in such journals and magazines as Natural Health, Alternative and Complementary Therapies, Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, Life Extension, and The Journal of Restorative Medicine. He served as dean of naturopathic medicine and chief medical officer for seven years at NUNM, the oldest naturopathic medical school in North America. He has received numerous awards, including the prestigious Physician of the Year Award by the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians; the Excellence Award for his work in treating and advocating for the medically underserved; and most recently, the NUNM Hall of Fame Award. He represents TruGen3 and can be contacted at DrMeletis.com. “TruEase® is an ideal choice for people searching for a phytocannabinoid-rich hemp oil. It’s encapsulated in VESIsorb®’s patented delivery system to optimize absorption. It uses a proprietary extraction process that eliminates solvents and impurities to produce non-detectible hemp content. Clinically, I depend on bioavailability for my patients, and per a 2019 article, VESIsorb® hemp after a single oral administration of the SEDDS hemp led to 4.4-fold higher blood plasma levels of hemp compared to the control hemp formula.”17 

Hemp Oil for Immune Support


  1. Oláh A, Szekanecz Z, Bíró T. Targeting Cannabinoid Signaling in the Immune System: “High” -ly Exciting Questions, Possibilities, and Challenges. Front Immunol. 2017 Nov 10;8:1487.
  2. Booz GW. Cannabidiol is an emergent therapeutic strategy for lessening the impact of inflammation on oxidative stress. Free Radic Biol Med. 2011 Sep 1;51(5):1054-61.
  3. Pumroy RA, Samanta A, Liu Y, et al. Molecular mechanism of TRPV2 channel modulation by cannabidiol. Elife. 2019 Sep 30;8. pii: e48792.
  4. Ignatowska-Jankowska B, Jankowski M, Glac W, Swiergel AH. Cannabidiol-induced lymphopenia does not involve NKT and NK cells. J Physiol Pharmacol. 2009 Oct;60 Suppl 3:99-103.
  5. Lowe HI, Toyang NJ, McLaughlin W. Potential of Cannabidiol for the Treatment of Viral Hepatitis. Pharmacognosy Res. 2017 Jan-Mar;9(1):116-8.
  6. Ribeiro A, Almeida VI, Costola-de-Souza C, et al. Cannabidiol improves lung function and inflammation in mice submitted to LPS-induced acute lung injury. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol. 2015 Feb;37(1):35-41.
  7. Mowat, A., Agace, W. Regional specialization within the intestinal immune system. Nat Rev Immunol 14, 667-685 (2014). 
  8. Wu HJ, Wu E. The role of gut microbiota in immune homeostasis and autoimmunity. Gut Microbes. 2012 Jan 1; 3(1): 4-14. 
  9. Hornby PJ, Prouty SM. Involvement of cannabinoid receptors in gut motility and visceral perception. Br J Pharmacol. 2004 Apr;141(8):1335-45.
  10. Cani PD, Plovier H, Van Hul M, et al. Endocannabinoids–at the crossroads between the gut microbiota and host metabolism. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2016 Mar;12(3):133-43.
  11. Irving PM, Iqbal T, Nwokolo C, et al. A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Parallel-group, Pilot Study of Cannabidiol-rich Botanical Extract in the Symptomatic Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2018 Mar 19;24(4):714-24.
  12. Segerstrom SC, Miller GE. Psychological Stress and the Human Immune System: A Meta-Analytic Study of 30 Years of Inquiry. Psychol Bull. 2004 Jul;130(4):601-30.
  13. Crippa JA, Derenusson GN, Ferrari TB, et al. Neural basis of anxiolytic effects of hemp in generalized social anxiety disorder: a preliminary report. J Psychopharmacol. 2011 Jan;25(1):121-30.
  14. Shannon S, Opila-Lehman J. Effectiveness of Cannabidiol Oil for Pediatric Anxiety and Insomnia as Part of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Case Report. Perm J. 2016 Fall;20(4):16-005.
  15. Soares VP, Campos AC. Evidence for the Anti-panic Actions of Cannabidiol. Curr Neuropharmacol. 2017;15(2):291-9.
  16. Linares IM, Zuardi-AW, Pereira LC, et al. Cannabidiol presents an inverted U-shaped dose-response curve in a simulated public speaking test. Braz J Psychiatry. 2019 Jan-Feb;41(1):9-14.
  17. Knaub K, et al. A Novel Self-Emulsifying Drug Delivery System (SEDDS) Based on VESIsorb® Formulation Technology Improving the Oral Bioavailability of Cannabidiol in Healthy Subjects. Molecules. 2019 Aug 16;24(16):pii: E2967.

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Hemp Oil for Immune Support

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Marcus Estrada

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